Professional Counselor Business Tip #3 – Identifying Your Audience

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Check out this free business building tip for Mental Health Counselors and life coaches. Having a successful private practice means having a business building strategy to follow. Today’s video tip is about identifying your target audience.

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This tip is about the importance of identifying your target audience.

What are the demographics of the individuals whom you most want to reach with your services? Some examples of target demographics are:

  • children, adolescents, young adults, middle-aged, seniors, singles, married, pre-married, retired, mentally ill, Alzheimer, physically disabled, male, female, transgendered, heterosexual, homosexual, etc. and the list goes on.

There are many different subcategories one could identify within each group, i.e. people of a certain faith, nationality, needs, occupation, hobby, etc. Once you identify your target audience you will be able to develop a plan for how to reach them.

Thanks for checking out our business building tips, we hope they helped you out. if you need any counseling forms or other business tips, please check out the rest of the videos in our counseling forms channel and check out our counseling forms on this Intake Forms blog.


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