Here’s another business building tip for Mental Health Counselors and life coaches. Having a successful private practice means having a business building strategy to follow. Have you ever considered the importance of creating your professional identity.
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Todays tip is:
Create your professional identity. When people ask “What do you do?” Is your answer, “I am a coach (psychologist, counselor, therapist etc.)”? Is this really how you see yourself? Thinking of yourself as just one of a multitude of counselors, therapists, psychologists etc. does nothing to distinguish you from every other plain vanilla mental health professional in your community and it certainly does not build confidence in your own mind that you have something to offer others that is distinct from what every other mental health or life coach professional is offering.
Begin to identify the things about your professional persona that are unique. Let yourself visualize who you would like to become professionally. See yourself in your mind’s eye: what are you doing, how are you helping others, what sets you apart?
Make sure you take a few moments and write down the key ideas and concepts you identified while doing this visualization. Better yet, take it the next step and write a clear and concise tagline for yourself.
For more business tips and information on our forms check out the rest of the videos in our counseling forms channel.